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but he couldn’t a few weeks ago
他现在会骑自行车  detail>>
a few weeks ago
几周前  detail>>
two weeks ago
两周前  detail>>
after a few weeks or months
尽管在转变过程中都经历了某种程度的心理压力  detail>>
a few days ago
几天前  detail>>
a few hours ago someone
指某个人  detail>>
a few months ago
几个月前  detail>>
a few years ago
几年前  detail>>
just a few years ago
只不过几年前  detail>>
only a few years ago
只不过几年前  detail>>
he was busy therefore he couldn
所以没有来  detail>>
a few days ago; the other day
日前  detail>>
and what he couldn’t give me
可是他却不能给我 ,  detail>>
he died long ago
你可以出去 如果你保证八点以前回来  detail>>
he was here a moment ago
他刚才还在这里  detail>>
he has few friends
他有几个朋友  detail>>
he is a man of few words
他平素就不爱说话 他是个沉默寡言的人 他这个人不爱言语  detail>>
he has had the book for weeks
他买这本书三周了  detail>>